Joel Zerr

Photo by Brett Jessen

Photo by Chris Motta

Photo by Chris Motta


 Joel Zerr 

  1. Hometown? I grew up in Reno, NV.  Currently living in SLC, UT.
  2. Age Started Climbing: Started climbing when I was 13 years old.
  3. What’s your Ape index? Height? Shiondex? Ape: +2.5", Height: 5'11", I've actually never measured my shindex...  
  4. What type(s) of climbing do you do: pebble wrasslin', sport clippin', or cam-jammin'?  I prefer bouldering but I also get after it with sport climbing and I've dabbled in some trad.
  5. Top 3 Favorite climbing areas?: All the bouldering zones in Ticino region of Swiss, RMNP, and Hueco Tanks.
  6. Other interests: Photography and video, Training, Reading, Route-Setting, Saving lives in the ER.